Thursday 29 March 2012

Leaning on a Lampost

In his report of the Mochrum Hill walk, the scribe forgot to mention that as Johnny was reversing his car at Rex's place, a lamp post jumped out behind him and assaulted his car. Davie C, our new songwriter-in-chief, has composed an epic to commemorate this event. This is the song as performed by wee Davie at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall before our cultural visit, with, of course, apologies to George Formby.

I'm leaning on a lamp post in the centre of the street,
Until a certain dirty Volvo goes by.
Oh me, oh my, I hope that dirty Volvo goes by.
I think I know who's driving it, I'm certain that he's driving it,
It's Johnny with his one good driving eye.
Oh me, oh my, I hope that he will keep passing by.
He says cleaning shows up the scratches, the paint jobs and all the patches.
He don't care that none of it matches, cleaning it would be too far,
It's only a f****** car.
He's absolutely adamant, positively truculent, and anyone can understand why,
I'm leaning on a lamp post at the centre of the street
Until a certain dirty Volvo goes by.

Hee, hee. It's turned out nice again.

Following his overwhelming success at the Glasgow Concert Hall, Davie is keeping the venue of his next concert a secret in case he is mobbed by all his fan.

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