Friday 17 March 2017

Seven Peaks 15 March

Alan, Allan, Dougie, Gus, Ian, Johnny, Kenny R, Kenny T, Malcolm, Rex, Robert

We’ve done the four tops in the past but today saw us pursue a new goal – the Seven Peaks. This would require stamina, determination, and above all, a realisation of knowing when to stop!
After a leisurely coffee at the Concert Hall, we took the relatively short walk over to Glasgow Cathedral to take in the wonders of the building. We had access to most of the building but the main area of worship was holding Hutchesons’ Grammar School Founders’ Day Commemoration Service. Before too long, this came to a conclusion and we watched as the great and the good exited. We then went  in ourselves for a look-round. As we left the Cathedral we were joined by Rex who had been delayed in arriving due a doctor’s appointment, and the eleven of us headed up to the Necropolis for a half-hour’s wander. From the highest point, we were able to observe our next challenge i.e. conquering the Seven Peaks of the Drygate Brewery.
Recommended by Rex, Dougie had, through his contacts, managed to obtain a discount for us, albeit we had to be honorary members of Prestwick Cricket Club Walking Group for the day. Seven Peaks is the Brewery’s logo and is representative of the seven peaks of the brewery’s roof. Having been seated, we were each treated to four samples of their beers (a third of a pint each) whilst the brand ambassador explained the differences and the history of the brewery and restaurant. Well done to him! (Sorry, your scribe has forgotten his name). Most of the beers were approximately 5% in strength, but he did advise us that their Fourteen Peaks ale was approaching 10%. Where’s Davie C when you need him?
Having sampled the beers, and beginning to feel the effects, the food came at the right time, just in time, you’ve guessed it, to accompany a further round of drinks. We were sensible today and left the brewery, refreshed, but still compos mentis.
The facility was similar in many ways to the West Brewery, but maybe a bit more convivial and the food was good. This was a really good day out with another height scaled for the Ooters
Thanks to Rex ‘Slips’ Porter for the recommendation and to Dougie ‘Long Leg’ Muir for organising the lunch and demonstration. We need to return, at some stage, with Davie ‘Short Leg’ Clunie!

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